
Below is a list of our planned events.

From webinars to site visits, we hope you’ll find the events that we organise useful. Although we’ll tweet, post news items, and send updates by email, remember to also check back here regularly for the current list.

We record all of our webinars, so to view any that you’ve missed, click here.

If you have a topic that you know well, and are comfortable presenting, and you would like to offer it as a webinar, please contact us – we’d love to hear from you.

Wednesday, 27th November, 2024, 19.30 to 20.30

In April 2019 two beavers were released into an enclosure in Cropton Forest as part of a Natural England licensed trial- it was the first time beavers have been in Yorkshire for over 400 years. Since release, the beaver colony has grown and the beavers have made the site their own through their engineering ways. The main aim of the trial was to see how the beavers interacted with the manmade slowing the flow structures and various studies have been conducted throughout the five years of the trial looking at the hydrology, water quality and biodiversity of the site.

This free webinar is presented by Cath Bashforth, Ecologist for Forestry England, Yorkshire Forest District. Cath is the project lead for the Cropton Beaver trial.

Join us to hear more about the results of those studies and what the beavers have been up to.

It’s free to join. Registration details will follow, so do check back soon!

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